Fintiba Scholarship

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A Scholarship in Support of Diversity in Germany

We at Fintiba support international students who turn their dream of coming to Germany into reality, not only with our reliable and fast online services but also through our Scholarship Programme.

We know only too well that there are many obstacles along the way of internationals to Germany. With our annual scholarship, we want to make your journey easier and help you focus on what is truly important: finishing your studies and creating vibrant memories during your stay in Germany.

Challenges faced by international students

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of challenges international students have to overcome even after coming to Germany. In fact, according to a DAAD study conducted between 2017 and 2021, the dropout rates at German universities are significantly higher for international students than for the native ones. The study found that 45% of international students do not finish their bachelor programmes and 29% drop-out from their masters (vs. 17% for bachelors and 10% for masters for native German students). According to the study there are multiple, complex reasons for this situation. However, the second most common reason is related to the student’s financial situation.

Why do we offer an annual scholarship for international students?

Alas, many international students need to split their time and efforts between studies and part-time work in order to finance their stay in Germany. We at Fintiba aim to help international students focus first and foremost on their degree programmes. Thus, we decided to offer scholarships, which would cover enough of the monthly living expenses to allow students to work less hours part-time and instead dedicate more time to their studies.

The application and evaluation process

Our goal at Fintiba is to offer financial support to ambitious and outstanding students from all corners of the world. We do not take into consideration age, nationality, academic success, or income as the decisive factors in the evaluation.

Instead, we like to focus on the personal drive and sentiment behind the decision to move to Germany. Instead, we take the creativity and goals for one’s stay as the main criteria in the evaluation process. We firmly believe that sharing your dreams, expectations and wishes for your studies in Germany, is a great way to inspire others to follow in your footsteps. The only condition to submit an application is to be a Fintiba customer.

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Previous scholarship recipients

In 2023, we received almost 300 video essays on the topic: “How important is integration in Germany for you and your studies’ success, and how will you address it?” and had the challenging task of selecting only five scholarship recipients. Anastasiia from Russia was awarded with our highest scholarship award for 2023. She decided to come to Germany to pursue a masters degree in “Automation and IT” at TH Köln. She believes that the key to integration is learning the language, as well as joining as many student clubs and social activities as possible. Learn more about her and our other four scholarship recipients in our Blog article

In 2022, we offered bigger award opportunities to four talented recipients. The main Fintiba Scholarship holder was Paul from Ghana, pursuing his master’s in Data Science Analytics at Berlin School of Business and Innovation. Other recipients of smaller scholarship rewards were Malvika from India, Justin from Namibi, and Tugce from Turkey. You can watch their video submissions on our YouTube channel.

In 2021, we were very excited to be able to offer more award opportunities to not one, but seven recipients. The main Fintiba Scholarship holder was Safidiharizo from Madagascar, who was pursuing his master’s in nature conservation from TU Braunschweig. Other recipients of smaller scholarship rewards were Anastasiya from Ukraine, Grace from Thailand, Syed from Pakistan, Haskel from Indonesia, Akrity from Nepal and Macjonathan from Nigeria. You can read more about them or watch their video submissions in our blog article.

In 2020, we were impressed by the hundreds of deserving applications, which made our decision very challenging in selecting the final scholarship holder. The final recipient was Rida, a 26-year-old student of journalism from Pakistan. You can read more about her experiences of starting her studies in Germany during the pandemic in the “Meet Rida interview” on the Fintiba Blog.

In 2019, the Fintiba Scholarship holder was Selam Goitom from Eritrea for her outstanding achievements and inspiring personal life goals and dreams. You can see an interview with Selam here.
