Get ready for your German adventure

Save your spot in one of our live webinars designed with our partners from My German University

Join our free webinars for international students*

All about the university application

This comprehensive series of webinar sessions is designed to guide you through every step of the university application process. Our experienced partners from My German University moderate those sessions and cover a wide range of essential topics, including how to get started with the university application, how to submit it via uni-assist and how to also apply for scholarships.

Sign up for the next available sessions below.

Student Visa Application

Navigating the visa application can be a complex and is crucial step in your journey to study in Germany. In our visa webinars, our experts provide a quick overview of the most important steps of the visa application process with a focus on the proof of funds, specifically the blocked account and the health insurance requirements. 

Sign up for the next available sessions below.

Prepare for the semester start in Germany

This comprehensive series of orientation sessions is designed for students right before you fly to Germany to start your studies. The goal of those webinars is to prepare you for a successful semester start. Our experts cover a wide array of topics, including final preparations and tips for your trip to Germany, to-dos in the first weeks after arrival, how to enrol at the university and activate your blocked account and health insurance

Sign up for the next available sessions below.

Our experienced international hosts






More about Fintiba and our Blocked Account

Tailor-made for international students, language students, job-seekers, apprentices and au-pairs. 

We’ve made proving your financial resources for your visa application as easy as it gets. By offering a fully digital process, we accelerate your way to Germany. The app-based solution with step by step guidance guarantees that you never miss an important to-do. 

digital solutions provider
represented countries
international students supported
mygu logo

About My German University is Germany’s largest database for English-language Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. Here you can find information about all German top universities, their admission requirements, desired certificates and application deadlines. Their experienced advisors offer guidance and useful information for international students both during weekly live webinars, as well as in detailed articles on their blog. 

Fintiba step by step guide

The Fintiba Companion: Guiding your way to Germany step-by-step

Never miss an important step on your journey to Germany. From preparing your university application to mastering your visa application and navigating through daily life in Germany – the Fintiba Companion provides you with relevant information throughout all important stages of your German adventure within a comprehensive checklist – tailored to your individual situation.

Register now

Are you ready for your studies in Germany? Join our next live session specifically designed for international students to get all necessary information you need for a smooth start in Germany.

*Please note that this is how we use and protect your data.
